Meet Monica Fliedner - The Swiss candidate for EAPC Board and vote now!

Support our candidate Dr. Monica C. Fliedner with your vote and elect her to the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Switzerland is not yet represented!

The online vote for the 2023 EAPC Board election is now open

The elections will take place online in the protected members' area from 5 to 16 June 2023 (each individual member of the EAPC has 1 vote). Proxies are not eligible. They are using a specialist platform to conduct the vote. The platform is called Appsamblea*.
To vote in the 2023 Board Election please click this link:

Please note, you need to be registered on the *Appsamblea platform before you can vote. You must use your email address that EAPC use to contact you to register on the Appsamblea platform.
There is a step-by-step guide to registering on the Appsamblea platform and placing your vote here:

You can vote in this election if you are:

  • An Individual member of the EAPC, based in Europe and have your 2023 membership fee paid in full. 
  • Listed on the EAPC member register as a board member of a European national association whose 2023 membership fees are paid in full.  

You cannot vote in this election if:

  • You are an EAPC member who is not based in Europe
  • Your EAPC membership fee for 2023 has not been paid. 
  • You are an associate EAPC member (you do not pay an EAPC membership fee)

Contact and further information
Swiss Society of Palliative Medicine and Care
Renate Gurtner Vontobel
Executive Director
Kochergasse 6
3011 Bern

Phone +41 (0)31 310 02 90

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