Summer School in Palliative Medicine 2024: Looking back on a successful ninth edition
The concept of the two-day Swiss Summer School in Palliative Medicine (always held in English) once again convinced the more than 100 participants this year.

The mixture of the topics «With challenges and new perspectives» (with insights from institutions), «Pearls» from all over Switzerland and «Controversies» such as «End-of-life Care: Palliative Care and ICU» or the important exchange about «Off-Label Use» left a very good impact. Sufficient time was also given to networking so that the participants could benefit and enjoy.
Many thanks to our President Manuela Weichelt, who visited our Summer School on the second day to actively seek dialogue with the participants. It was very important to her to hear the positive aspects of palliative medicine as well as the daily challenges in their own words. One topic that is of particular concern to physicians in outpatient care is the funding of so-called "Hors-List Medicines". In other words, medicines that are not on the FOPH's list of specialities and therefore do not have to be financed by the health insurance companies. She is committed to this together with - the focus in end-of-life care should not be on money, but on the best possible, and above all pain-free, treatment.
Thanks to the Scientific Organizing Committee, headed by Professor David Blum. They once again did a great job:
Dr. med. Renate Grathwohl Shaker
Renate Gurtner Vontobel, MPH
Prof. Dr. Sophie Pautex
Dr. med. Rachel Rutz Voumard
Dr. med. Sivan Schipper
Dr. med. Luigi Stanco
Dr. med. Fabia Weisser
and Graziella Spiri for the administrative organization.
Many thanks to the lecturers for their important contribution: Prof. Dr. Katelijne De Nys, Dr. med. Dr. med. Barbara Kidszun, Dr. med. Luigi Stanco, Dr. med. Fabia Weisser, Dr. med. Manuel Jungi, Dr. med. Sandra Eckstein, Prof. Dr. Jan Gärtner, Dr. med. Luca Emmenegger, Dr. med. Renate Grathwohl Shaker, Dr. med. Tania Torrado, Prof. Dr. Claudia Gamondi, Dr. med. Antoine Schneider, Prof. Dr. Steffen Eychmüller, Dr. med. Philippe D'Andrès, Dr. med. Sandra Eckstein, PD Dr. med. Tanja Fusi-Schmidhauser
We are looking forward to the 10th edition of the Swiss Summer School in Palliative Medicine 2025 (members of will receive information and access to registration in advance).